Professionals of beauty industry, as well as amateurs, do not presume to use poor-quality tools. The initial quality is defined by the manufacturer. It depends on technology, staff skills, but this is not a complete list of necessary items.Scissors, nippers, manicure knives for removing cuticles, corns, rough skin, and also spatulas, clippers, tweezers, and other tools need a specific sharpening.The process not even remotely resembles the previously used methods identified with sharpeners in old films calling clients with a well-known cry: “ Knives and scissors sharpening!” In times past, true masters also existed. They commanded respect and were highly valued. They were worshipped by barbers, manicurists, hairstylists, housewives, butchers, security officials, and their “clients”, but the tools were different. Don’t forget about it. The upgraded tools require special care.Today, tool sharpening is really an art since it is based on technologies and specialized equipment. You do not c...